Tuesday 29 November 2011

Up in arms

Speaker John Bercow blows £15,000 of taxpayers' money on the ghastliest coat of arms ever seen.  The College of Arms must have wept en mass when they learned that they'd been commissioned to create a parody gay rights poster more suited to the set of a sketch comedy.  I particularly like Cranmer's take on the fatuous motto:
Is not inequality natural? Are we not born unequal? Are not some gifted with genetic advantage? Since complete equality is impossible for all people, the only meaning of the motto can be the aspiration for a reduction in inequality. This being so, His Grace would urge all MPs to treat the Speaker as their equal: not to accord him reverence or respect; not to get out of his way as he walks down the corridors of the Palace of Westminster; not to obey his commands in the chamber; and not to believe he is in any sense superior to them, for all are equal.

Unless, of course, John Bercow is more equal than others.

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