Thursday 7 April 2011

Virgin Oceanic

Sir Richard Branson announces his own personal voyage to the bottom of the sea.

The man is determined to kill himself, but everyone needs a hobby.


eon said...

Going under an overhang like that isn't exactly a smart move, especially when you're that deep.

I'm assuming his hydrospace whatisit is a positive-buoyancy "boost glider", i.e. downforce on the surfaces caused by forward thrust drives it under and if the motors cut, it comes up. (Not the same thing as a "buoyancy glider".) If it's a Caidin-type "hydrodynamic lift" craft, he's really asking for it with non-nuclear propulsion.

We can only hope that it's a single-seater.



Cambias said...

When's he going to build a giant robot to fight aliens? That's about the only comic book billionaire thing he hasn't done yet.