Monday 18 April 2011


Yanko Design (The DREADCO of the design world) presents "yacht enthusiast" Hyun-Seok Kim's design for a giant "entertainment" yacht.  Let's see:
  • Wheelhouse in the bow? Check.
  • Latticework around the deck that wouldn't survive two seconds if there's any glass in it and is pointless if there isn't?  Check.
  • No knowledge of marine architecture in general?  Check.
  • Designer can't spell?  Check.
  • Emergency submarine?  Check and double check.


Ironmistress said...

Just look at the bow of this contraption.

The ram was left out of the battleships after WWI. For obvious reason. I just cannot help what the first Force 7 gale will do with this boat, not speaking of Force 10 or higher.

BTW, what did you think about the Finnish election?

eon said...

Lacework? It looks more like a very large and sturdy cage to me. Rendering "Abandon Ship" drills rather irrelevant, not to say futile.

I guess the idea is that if it sinks, the owner can comfort himself that nobody will get out alive.

Floating death traps are generally not licensed by the Coast Guard. I expect the designer of this one will have a hard time explaining it to the safety inspectors.

On the other hand, getting him fitted for a straitjacket should be comparatively easy.



Sergej said...

At least this one is kinda' shaped like a boat. Not sure how it (still "it", not "she") would trim with the fresh water tanks in the pointy, front end.

The lattice would certainly catch wind, but I think that the holes are big enough to swim through. Provided they're not blocked by debris or broken-off bits of superstructure, and that the ugly thing isn't listing much. And really, what are the chances of that happening at the same time as a shipwreck? I mean, the probability of either one of them is like, a kajillion to one, right? So the chances of a shipwreck happening at the exact same same time as the holes being blocked is like, a kajillion squared to one. It's math, folks!

At least the captain gets a neat-o getaway vehicle while the crew drowns. Hm, come to think of it, perhaps the target market for this thing is aspiring Bond villains.

eon said...


This time, you beat me to it. Looking at that "escape sub", my first thought was, "Blofeld would insist on one when he ordered one of these".

Under an assumed name, of course.



Bryan said...

If you were a Bond villain in that thing all the other Bond villians would snicker at you behind your back. Even Hugo Drax.