Wednesday 13 April 2011

Pure, unadulterated barbarism

Eichmann would have loved this woman.


CiH said...

In the words of Harry Hill, if he were turned loose on the more contentious areas of current affairs.

"Well I think that Nagla Al-Imam is as creepy as anything that ever walked on this earth, on the other hand, Julie Bindel gives me nightmares in my waking hours, but which one is best, there's only one way to find out.. F-I-I-IGHT!"

eon said...

Well, under the strict definition of sharia law, Muslim women (including this ...never mind) have no rights anyway, and "infidels", who are only allowed to exist as dhimi or outright slaves, have even less.

So her brainstorm is basically just a literal reading from the Qu'ran.

As to where the "young Arab men" will find sabra girls to harass, they'll pretty much have to go to Israel. Which makes her remarks about them being "on our land" and "rape of our land" just more euphemisms for "let's erase Israel from the map and drive the Jews into the sea".

If ever there was a "poster girl" for what Wretchard refers to as the "fixity of malice" in the Islamic world toward not just Israel, but non-Muslims in general, this gal is it.

I suppose it's not surprising that she's a lawyer. Probably of the sort who can always be found to justify atrocities on the basis of (what else?) sharia law.

cheers (with a growl in my throat)


Sergej said...

I think her type is what we helped to power when we encouraged Mubarak to leave. Nice trade.

Anonymous said...

Given that most israeli women are militaruy trained I can see some overconfident arab males receiving some sudden lessons in gentlemanly conduct.