Monday 11 April 2011

Ban nitrogen

Nitrogen: Atom of Evil!
I knew it was only a matter of time. The European Empire EU declares nitrogen a pollutant.  The BBC point out that they mean "reactive" nitrogen, but remember when carbon dioxide (itself completely harmless) became evil, evil carbon?  Same logic at work here.

Next it'll be that appallingly reactive oxygen (rusts things, makes fires burn, etc.) and then we can go on to ban the entire periodic table.   Remember:  Matter is evil!


eon said...

Well, if they knew jack-s**t about actual chemistry, they'd know that the N released by all their "evil man-made" sources is the same as that fixed from the atmosphere to create fertilizer, etc., to begin with.

Of course, everyone else "eating less meat" and "using less intrusive farming" are their actual goals. Everyone must live as the environmentalist tofu gurus demand, because otherwise they are "enemies of Gaia". And the more people who starve or freeze, the better for Gaia, and the easier it will be to rule over the weakened survivors. So it's a two-fer as far as they're concerned.

Naturally, the elite' will continue to feast on Wagyu beef- imported on everyone else's Euro.

Europe's march back to medieval feudalism continues unabated.

cheers (with a "grr")


Brandon said...

Doesn't Nitrogen make up about 70% of the air we breath?

Chris Lopes said...

Brandon, Shhhhhhhhh! If they discover that little fact, who knows what controls they might impose.

eon said...


Oh, it's far, far worse; fully 80% of the atmosphere is N. O2 accounts for 16%, and the rest is trace gases, ranging from ozone- O3 - to such weirdies as argon and even a bit of hydrogen in the ionosphere, banged off H2O (water vapor) at high altitudes by ionization (which also causes the O3 due to covalent bonds).

The CO2 they're also busy hyperventilating about accounts for less than 0.03% of the total, BTW. And if that wasn't there, we and plants would be in big trouble; plants use it to make food for themselves and release O2 that we breathe as a byproduct, and without the CO2 to trigger our breathing reflexes, we'd have to think about breathing all the time to avoid suffocation.

But don't bother trying to explain this to a deep-eco; they just go into "Holy Mother Gaia Must Be Saved" mode.

Pseudo-religious cult fanaticism trumps science any day of the week, and twice on Earth Day. Don't get me started on UFO "contactees", which is where the ecos got most of their "theories" from, to start with. (But as Conan's chronicler said, "That- is another story.")

