Friday 8 April 2011

Nature's final conquest of man

A chilling glimpse into the mind of the environmentalist.  Mr Tim Flannery puts forward his Wellsian dream of Utopia where all individuality succumbs to the dictatorship of the collective.  It's what any sane person will recognise by another name:  Hell.

What Flannery calls evolution, C S Lewis explained more honestly as"The Abolition of Man".


eon said...

Once you eliminate all the multicultural P.C. buzzwords, what you are left with is Flannery calling for an agrarian socialist state, which is nothing new.

What is that, unless he either (a) said "millions" when he meant to say "milliards", or (b) can't tell the difference between an "m" and a "b" ("millions" vs. "billions"), he wants to do away with roughly 7.42 billion people, to reduce the human population to the Club of Rome's 1970 estimate of the "carrying capacity" of the Earth. Not since the "No Pressure" ad has an "intellectual" been so honest and up-front about how much he wishes he didn't have to share "Holy Mother Gaia" with all us grotty groundlings.

I also like his belief that a global "superintelligence" will make each of us progressively stupider. In his case, it has obviously already succeeded.



Brandon said...

In this short video this man managed to display his lack of understanding of evolution, economics, government, history, and basic human nature.