Thursday 14 April 2011

President Empty Suit

Roger L Simon on Mr Barack Hussein Obama:
But what is it about Obama that makes him so boring? I submit it is something quite simple — he has nothing to say. He is a boring person, the quintessential “hollow man” in the T.S. Eliot sense. He is kind of a socialist, kind of a liberal, kind of a multi-culturalist, kind of an environmentalist, kind of globalist, kind of a budget cutter — but none of them with any real commitment. Basically, he’s a vague and uncommitted person pretending to be otherwise. He is the man that voted “present,” now in the presidency. The fact that he never specified the targets of “hope” and “change” during his election was far from a campaign ploy and more typical than we ever dreamed. There never was a there there. And now, I strongly suspect, there never will be.
It looks as though we're finally getting to know who Mr Soetoro really is and, unfortunately, it's one of the alternatives I'd suspected.  In fact, I think that Mr Simon actually give Mr Dunham too much credit.  I don't think he lacks just commitment, I think he lacks basic understanding.  From what I've seen, Mr Obama is all too familiar a creature once you get past the mask the media allowed him to keep for so long.  He's merely a not very intelligent, not very well read man without any real industry or even curiosity whose worldview was set in stone during his second year at university.  He fervently believes in his Socialist, Multiculturalist, post-American goals, but he has only the sort of hazy idea of what they are that you'd find in the head of some smelly undergraduate hawking copies of Socialist Worker on the street corner.  He's also such a narcissist that he imagines that all he has to do is order his Brave New World into existence and everyone else will do the hard work for him while he toddles off for another holiday.

I often hear people say that Vice President Biden is Mr Obama's insurance against removal from office.  Frankly, the doddering old fool looks more and more like a preferable candidate.

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