Monday 11 April 2011

Britain today

Britain today:

The worst situation I can find myself in is when I'm metaphorically pressed into a corner with no exit by someone and then he starts to shove.  Faced with alternative of being crushed, I have to push back–hard–and that isn't very pleasant.

Such is the situation I'm seeing in 21st century Britain.  More and more the Inner Party Political Class that replaced the old Establishment reveals itself as a self-serving, self-regarding oligarchy who are utterly detached from the people and Crown they allegedly serve.  Like peeling away the layers of an onion that's gone rotten at the core, we find three main parties that come across as being like choosing between Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia.  The men and women we've entrusted with the future of the nation have made it clear that they are uninterested in doing their duty when they can merely grow fat at the public teat.  Instead of taking responsibility, they prefer to dodge it. When ask to speak for Britain, they damn her.  When asked to show pride in her, they renounce all confidence.  When demanded that they preserve Britain's sovereignty, they tell us they they'd rather be satraps of the European Empire EU.  When tasked with defending the realm, they lay its throat bare.  When entrusted with our ancient institutions, they destroy them.  When handed our ancient liberties, they violate them.  When faced with a merciless enemy, they embrace him.  When our prosperity is threatened, they bankrupt us.  When even basics like electricity grow scarce, they make us sit in the dark.  And all of this without an ounce of remorse or mercy.

I've never regarded myself as some nutter who sees revolution around the next corner, but if something doesn't change and soon, that may be the push back.

God help us all.

Update:  The sharia case against the Welsh Sir Roderick Spode has been "withdrawn", but "almost certainly other proceedings will ensue".  Translation:  The message has been sent.

1 comment:

jabrwok said...

So who's the next Cromwell?