Wednesday 4 April 2007

Britons To Be Freed

Iran claims that it is releasing the fifteen Royal Navy sailors and marines that it kidnapped.

I'm holding off any celebrations until the men and woman are home safe-- and we find out exactly why they were let go.


Anonymous said...

Quote Blair: "No hard feelings."

Yeah, okay.

Anonymous said...

This is brilliant news.

I'm glad we're on the fork of the road that led to a peaceful release of soldiers, and not one that led to bombing Iran indiscriminately. We've been lucky this time.

I suspect that the government isn't telling the truth about this, and if it turns out that they did after all cross into Iranian territory, I will laugh.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that they were let go because Iran had proven its point. To wit: Iran can abduct British (and by extension, other Western) citizens on the high seas, hold them indefinitely, threaten them, and suffer no negative consequences whatsoever.