Monday 2 April 2007

Dhimmitude in the Classroom

The Telegraph has this from a recent government report on British schools:
Some teachers dropped the Holocaust completely from lessons because of fears that Muslim pupils might express anti-Semitic reactions. One school avoided teaching the Crusades because its "balanced" handling of the topic would directly contradict what was taught in local mosques.
The students may be getting a substandard education, but the teachers are learning their lessons very well.


Anonymous said...

Lordy, the leftists are really, *really* jonesing for seats in the mezzanine of the Infidel Death Chamber.

Anonymous said...

Okay, that's stupid. Just because it's not what's taught in Mosques doesn't mean that it shouldn't be taught in schools.

That'd be like not teaching about the theories of evolution and geology of early Earth because it conflicts with the gibbery-joo (entertaining gibbery-joo, but gibbery-joo nonetheless) that Christians are taught in church. And that would be silly.

(But not as silly as the word "gibbery-joo". Damn, that word's hilarious)