Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Missing Factor

The BBC is running a feature article on the "flight" of middle-class Muslims from Britain for the more "tolerant" climes of the Middle East.

The reasons for their being so fed up with life under the Union Jack are cited by the Beeb as "Islamophobia," a "witch hunt" and "glass ceilings"against Muslims, "an environment where the messages in the media are anti-Islamic" and "intense pressure to explain their faith and its place in British society."

One tiny factor that is left out of the BBC's leave-no-stone-unturned approach to journalism might be that perhaps there is this little matter of a war against crazed Jihadists who wish to destroy civilisation and have demonstrated this in the Mosques and on the streets of London with words and bloody deeds and the marked reluctance moderate Muslims have in speaking out-- much less in taking a hand in combating these barbarians. Yet, if this article is to be believed (which is problematic), middle-class Muslims regard the British people and Her Majesty's Government as their enemy, not the Jihadists who hate moderate Muslims as much as they do the infidels.

Perhaps Muslims in Britain who are packing their bags would get a better reception if they chose the side of civilisation and the resolve of fight over flight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It’s just like I've said to rabidly anti-Western, anti-capitalist leftist lunatics: if you don't like the way we run things here in civilization, get the Christ out.

Go (back) out into the malebogle of the Middle East; endure the psychotic totalitarian regimes whose laws are based on a warped and perverted interpretation of an archaic book.

Put up nonexistent free speech, free press or free worship; right to defense, right to fair trial, right to vote.

Live in an economy based almost exclusively on subsistence farming, unless you convert to Islam and fellate the right people to get an in on the oil trade.

Tolerate a culture that hasn't seen a cultural advancement since the eighth century. Whose entire existence is based on an intertwined inferiority complex and a seething envy of the West.

If your Christian, Jewish, normal Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Shinto, Wiccan, Neo-Pagan, Agnostic, Atheist or an "I hate God" Richard Dawkins-esque idiot, prepare for immediate transference into the most vile form of Wahhabi Islam...if you want to live un-harassed...and with your head still attached.

Gay? Step up to the gallows. Female? Prepare for an existence of either baby-making, animalistic abuse, or a little of column A, a little of column B. Into swinging? Gather up some stones and bury yourself in the sand, neck-deep. Passersby will do the rest.

Perhaps a few weeks in Yemen or Iran is just what some of these "moderate" Muslims and egotistical, holier-than-thou liberal pansies need to gain just a might of appreciation for the country, and life, they were born into.

Just a thought.