Monday 30 April 2007

Climate of Fear

From the Evening Standard:
Information Commissioner Richard Thomas will publish a report highlighting the "creeping encroachment" on civil liberties by the Government and official bodies.

The report accuses ministers of creating a climate of fear through increasing use of CCTV cameras, the computer tracking of shopping habits and plans for ID cards.

Mr Thomas, who three years ago warned that Britain is "sleepwalking into a surveillance society", argues that his fears may have already been realised.
You always see the train right before it hits you.


Anonymous said...

And this train's not only hit Britain, but it has scattered its entrails for over a third of a mile.

Anonymous said...

Ick. I wouldn't like to travel on a train with entrails. Is this one of those new GM trains?

Anyway. Bah to excessive CCTV, ID Cards, etc. As we've seen, it has little effect on catching terrorists.

As with the MI5. (OOH, BURN)