Sweden becomes a dangerous place for Jews thanks to open collaboration between Jihadists and Leftists, Norwegian women are urged to wear hijabs "for their own protection", gangs of "youths" turn car burning into a French pastime, self-censorship is the order of the day across the Continent, and a member of the Dutch parliament is on trial for what amounts to violating Sharia. And in the middle of all this, the common message of government and media is, "Move along; nothing to see here." I've been saying for years that the longer we leave the problem of Jihadism in Europe and keep pretending that multiculturalism and unrestricted immigration will do nothing but provide exciting cuisine, then bad choices will only give way to intolerable choices, and then having impossible choices thrust upon us. After that, the only choice left will be stand or run–and that applies to moderate Muslims who wish to remain free as well as Infidels.
Welcome to the road to civil war.
I have been noticing stories like this for several years. Does not sound good. Jewish communities do tend to be canaries in coal mines---a convenient "other" to blame, and on whom to take out one's aggression, when things are going badly. And something bad seems headed for Europe within a generation or two.
Perhaps the human soul needs a little scare now and then. With an easy life secured for them, Europeans under socialism don't even seem to bother to reproduce. But the continent is a nice place, especially since for the past 65 years, despite having a very aggressive USSR and its satellites to the east, Continental European countries haven't needed to maintain more than token standing armies. I imagine that at some point after the war, something like, "There are now nuclear weapons in the world, and these jackasses can't be trusted with a butter knife!" must have been uttered.
As for the lefties, I think this quote from the article sums it up: "I believe these are anti-Israel attacks, connected to the war in Gaza." I'm not even sure how to interpret this, but His Honor Mr. Reeplau seems to think that it means something. Specifically, that it's someone else's problem, if it is a problem at all. I think this is something like the thing you posted last week, about university admissions departments capping the number of Asians (do Filipinos count? Mongols? Tadzhiks? Bengalis? What about me? I was born a few hundred miles from Asia!) they accept. PC makes no sense, and the often intelligent and educated people who spout it may even realize this some day. But it has already done irreparable damage.
Learn to sail.
The yacht is the instrument of freedom, and a with a good cutlass and pump-action shotgun you can go wherever you want.
If you need food, just put on fishing lures and the plankton sieve. If you need fresh water, just steer to the nearest rain cloud.
The forces of Mordor fear water and they won't sail against the wind anyway.
Rain? Reverse osmosis pumps are far more reliable. Also, small, camouflaged gardens on out of the way islands provide excellent supplements.
The cache of goods and fuel I keep stashed in a hidden bunker on Johnston Atoll goes without saying.
Camouflaged gardens? For shame! If I were going to go the island route, I'd go all the way. Extinct volcano, helipad, piranha pond, expendable hench-persons in silver-colored overalls and visored, face-concealing helmets. Prominent red self-destruct button...
Looks like Mr. Tracy could well enjoy our consultation on designing the Thunderbirds base...
Yes, yes, but you still need the giant laser cannon to defend it and the atomic pile to power it is bound to be sabotaged by some quipping British MI6 agent.
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