Friday 26 February 2010

At least they didn't call it an "orca"

From The Times:
The killer whale that drowned his female trainer yesterday will not be put down even though he has been involved in two other human deaths, according to staff at SeaWorld in Florida.
"Involved in two other human deaths?" What the deuce does that mean? He was driving the getaway car? Hid the murder weapon? Gave the killer an alibi?

In other news, Tillikum vows to spend the rest of his life tracking down the real culprit.

Update: On the other hand,be grateful he's doing his bit to Save The PlanetTM–otherwise, we're ALL DOOMED! Really, Dr Beddington, this is sort of fear mongering is almost quaint. Pity about all the tax and grant money wasted on this sort of watermelon nonsense (green on the outside, red on the inside) sailing under false scientific colours.

1 comment:

Roberto G. said...

Bah! It seems that some times ago, a drunk bum entered the resort, stripped and jumped in the killer's whale pool.They found him in the morning, floating on the back of the whale, dead but with a few scratches, like if the whale was trying to keep him afloat to save him. Who knows. Sure we still have to reach a full understanding of these beasts, and them of us as well.