Monday, 22 February 2010

The next step

There's been talk for years about when the first unmanned fighter aircraft would be fielded, but the question for today is, will the new Israeli superdrone become the world's first unmanned strategic bomber?

Sleep tight, Ahamedijad.

1 comment:

Sergej said...

It's looking like a technology war between Israel and Iran, Iran trying to get within 40 years of the state of the art, and Israel to keep it from doing so. Apparently, it's easier to smash than to prevent smashing. I wonder how much each side is not saying. An aircraft the size of a 373 and "capable of carrying hundreds of kilograms" of payload already sounds an awful lot like a bomber. You don't need hundreds of kilograms of equipment to spy on the mullahs sun-bathing!

Since the US seems to have decided to sit this one out, it may all be up to Israel. If the mullorcacy does not end up collapsing in revolution, the Arabs may have something for which to thank Israel. Not that they will, of course.