Saturday 13 February 2010

Radar Men From The Moon: Chapter 3


Neil Russell said...

The audio sync made it a bear to follow but there's no doubt Commando Cody was done for this time! I don't see how they can even have a 4th chapter since he's very definitely dead!!!

Who could escape that? Honestly?

Sergej said...

And I was just getting to like the Commando, too. Hell of a way to go, if you ask me, falling off the bridge. Such an ordinary death, after escaping all the boiling lava and all!

Neil Russell said...

I swear, I missed seeing them run down that passageway to the side of the cave last week, I guess that was when I was out getting a 3 Musketeers and was so bummed that I got 2 chocolate pieces and a vanilla.
I like the strawberry ones.

But really, there's no way out for Cody this time!