Monday 3 November 2008

Forbidden Planet Revisited

Warner Bros. has engaged Babyon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski to write the script for the on again, off again remake of the 1956 classic Forbidden Planet.

There's also been talk of bringing back Robby the Robot for the film, but it had better be a decent part and not just a cameo as usually happens in these sort of productions. It's not like he's a one-hit wonder like Gort or Kronos, you know. Bob is Old Hollywood and has a lot of pull in town, so fobbing him off with a bit part could backfire pretty badly.

He used to hang out with Sinatra.


jayessell said...

Other than CGI for the spacecruiser, Robbie and the underground Krell machine, what's the point?

Make it a comedy with Leslie Neilson?

Make it a musical so it becomes a real space opera?

Anonymous said...

Talk about taking the easy way out!
Anyone can remake a hit, let's see them tackle "War of the Colossal Beast" or "Plan 9 From Outer Space"

jayessell said...

Make it a re-imagining of "The Tempest" set in outer space, but with more of Shakespere's orginal dialog.

Anonymous said...

so they are trying to remake a 50 year old movie that itself was a remake of a 500 year old play. Originality is NOT in the Hollywood vocabulary.

Sergej said...

Am I just being a pessimist, or do I see another Lost In Space in the entrails?

jabrwok said...

You really can't top perfection, and Forbidden Planet was close enough that there's no point in re-making it.

I think sergej has it right, this is going to be a disappointment.

Anonymous said...

This conversation of yours probably has more value than the remake, in that ultra-pessimistic-Monty-Python-sketch sort of way.
And I may be insensitive towards the movie, but once I saw the words "Lost in space" I couldn't help myself.