Thursday 31 May 2007

Doctor Battlestar 7

According to the Times, the BBC is developing a new series which is essentially an update of Blakes 7 redone in the Battlestar Galactica "reimaginging" mode that will be a
Tense and fast-paced series about cooperation and conflict, idealism and power, sexual competition and love. Most of all it is about our life’s big imperatives — cheating death, seeking suitable mates and surviving as a species.
Translation: Stand by for the New Doctor Who treatment. In place of suspense, plot, adventure, action, purposeful dialogue, exotic locations, memorable characters, solid stories and a sense of wonder expect "believable" characters who are really emotional cripples played by pretty actors who couldn't carry a scene in a bucket, pedestrian locales, soap opera writing that goes nowhere, blatant left-wing editorialising, iron-clad political correctness, endless dialogue that never advances the plot, a muddy backstory, and a strong feeling of resentment when it turns out that all the conundrums were nothing but a series-long tease that had zero dramatic purpose when finally revealed.

No wonder I burn with a hard gem-like flame.


Anonymous said...

...So your saying it'll be good, right?

Anonymous said...

The last episode of the first season of the new Dr. Who should have been titled "Deus Ex Machima." I've never seen a more blatant example of it, without it being a spoof. (i.e. at the end of Dodge Ball.)