Tuesday 1 May 2007

Sharia Britain

From the Daily Express:
Controversial Sharia courts have been set up in major towns and cities to impose Islamic law and enable Muslims to shun the legitimate British legal system.

Last night religious leaders and politicians expressed outrage that Sharia law is gaining an increasing foothold in our society.

Critics insisted that the Govern­ment is allowing a two-tier legal system to flourish in the name of political correctness and that the authority of UK justice is being undermined.
These critics are both Christian and Muslim groups, including the Muslim Council of Britain, whose spokesman Inayat Bunglawala said:
We believe one legal code should apply for all citizens of the UK. There is no place for multiple legal systems for people of different religious or ethnic backgrounds.
As I keep emphasising, moderate Muslims, many of whom are in Britain because they fled Sharia, and the rest of us face a common enemy in the Jihadists and the only way we'll beat them is by a united front. Otherwise, we'll be seeing a lot more of this.


Anonymous said...

Now we wait to see whether or not there will be an appropriate response to this judicial insurgency.

*cue the sound of crickets*

*cue the sound of a spring zephyr*

*cue the sound of grass growing*


jayessell said...

David, when you say "both modererate Muslims"....?

David said...

Argh! Proofreading never ends.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Now I feel better about spelling League wrong in all of my LEP posts.

Anonymous said...

So this is true? Well, this is just not on. Other stuff I'm not sure about, but I know this; Sharia law does not belong in the UK. Grrr!
Good to hear muslims think this is a load of dog doings as well.

Shadowfirebird said...

There have been Jewish courts in the UK for about a thousand years now. This is very old news.

When they are used for arbitration (which is actually the idea) they are fine.

It's when they are used by the police that they are a problem. The police deny this is happening.