Wednesday 9 May 2007

A Blow for Liberty

From the Telegraph:
Campaigners fighting EU plans to abolish imperial measures have claimed victory after the European Commission backed down over plans to ban imperial measurements.

Giles Chichester, the Tory MEP with responsibility for industry, said last night that compulsory metric measurements were "off the agenda".
I have only one reaction:


Now if we can just get the EU to naff off entirely and take their metric scales with them.


Anonymous said...

Color me pessimist, but seeing as Britain's shelled out more freedoms over the last decade than trinkets at a Mexican tourist wagon, I don't think it'll make a lick of difference...

...even if Brussels manages to sink into the Senne, and copies of the Maastricht supplant Quilted Velvet in the "Love your bum" adverts.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad with this, since Imperial measurements are a part of our unique cultural heritage.

I just won't be able to understand them, is all. I was raised with metric, and metric's what I understand. I know that there's 12 pounds in a stone, and 16... ounces in a pound?

And... erm... many yards in a mile?

14 33rds... 32 64ths... Hmmm.

Also, because it's certainly required here:

"Whap-ta-jupa?! The Metric system is the tool of the devil! I get fourteen rods to the hog's head, and that's the ways I likes it!"