Wednesday 23 May 2007


Curiously enough, though he didn't know it, he was also a direct male-line descendent of Genghis Khan, though intervening generations and racial mixing had so juggled his genes that he had no discernible Mongoloid characteristics, and the only vestiges left in Mr. L. Prosser of his mighty ancestry were a pronounced stoutness about the tum and a predilection for little fur hats.
Douglas Adams: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Are you of similar girth and taste? Wonder no longer, as scientists can test whether you too are a descendant of Temüjin.

Now maybe they can get on with that cancer cure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some basic historical facts about Genghis Khan:

Genghis Khan ,(Chinggis Khan), is one of history’s greatest leaders.During his lifetime, he conquered more territory than any other conqueror and established the largest contiguous empire in world history.Today his legacy continues in Asia,Mongols today celebrate him as the founding father of more