Friday 1 June 2007

Upright Thinking

British scientists claim that man's ancestors began walking upright because of the need to navigate nimbly in treetops ala orangutans.

Perhaps, but I still subscribe to the theory that early man had to start walking on his hind legs because he lacked trousers and therefore had to have his hands free to carry his wallet and keys.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I think every advancement in evolution was one in a series of cultural fad.

Once Ogg figured out how to walk upright, then *everyone* was doing it. Outcasted, Ung discovered the secret of fire to one-up (and probably immolate) Ogg.

And the cycle continues to this day, what with celebreties flashing their undesired genitalia in exponentially innapropriate places and times...or adopting brown children in increasingly-large handfuls at a time...

...And its all as barbaric today, as it is now.

Anonymous said...


...And its all as barbaric now, as it was then.

Freakin' proofreading...