Friday 18 March 2011

Michael Gough (1917-2011)

The actor Michael Gough has passed on.

The BBC calls him the "Batman" actor (which must be as galling as being remembered for Obi Wan Kenobi), but to me, he'll always be the mad doctor from Konga.

1 comment:

eon said...

And of course Edmond Bancroft from "Horrors of the Black Museum" (1959). There's just something about a true-crime author who is sufficiently industrious (and psychopathic) to go out and drum up business on his own, so to speak.

My favorite scene? When the antique-store lady tries to blackmail him, while he's standing there with a very large, sharp pair of ice tongs.

You just knew how that was going to end- with the antique lady earning a Darwin Award. "Congratulations, Ma'am, you have just proven yourself Too Stupid To Live."

Requiscat im pace, sir.

