Sunday 13 March 2011


I came across this map allegedly from the Australian Radiation Services and my sceptic alarms immediately went off.  Purportedly showing radioactive "fallout' from the Fukushima reactor accident, it asserts that the Western United States will be enveloped by a fatal cloud of radiation within a week.  Needless to say, THIS IS A HOAX.  Fortunately for the public, the author is a scientific illiterate who doesn't understand wind currents, fallout, or radiation and has the a mild vapour release putting out more rads than an arsenal of cobalt bombs.  Of course, this is complete nonsense.

If you know anyone who is panicking over this, please set them straight.


Wunderbear said...

Yeah, in the words of whoever put out this clever little piece of LIES:


Not quite as bad as the morons who are saying "Just desserts for Pearl Harbour". What utter buffoonery and retarded jingoism of the highest order.

All sympathies to the victims of the disaster and hopes that it doesn't become worse.

Neil A Russell said...

After watching the coverage of the aftermath of the earthquake and tidal wave I would almost bet money that the reporters on the scene would gladly drag a 155 field gun to the reactor site and blast away until they got the desired result.

While there's a little puff of steam at the reactor there are roiling billows of noxious unrefined and refined petroleum merrily burning away and pouring clouds of carcinogen laden particulate matter down on the populace.

But that's ok, it's that scary old atom plant that must be held up for scorn.

And those rivers of fire coming from the refineries, that's really nothing to be alarmed about either, we're all awaiting the doom that will eventually hiccup out of that reactor, even if we have to make it up.

eon said...

Anti-nuclear activists are a lot like anti-gun activists. They wear their ignorance of the things they hate as a badge of honor. Which of course means they feel free to make things up to scare people into supporting them, and in the end letting them rule the rest of us. And they are convinced that the fervency of their faith in their own righteousness makes it all OK. Because, of course, their "enlightenment" proves that they are Just So Much Smarter than everybody else.

As Heinlein once observed, stupid is stupid- faith doesn't make it smart.



Sergej said...

But if you believe something REALLY HARD ENOUGH!!!1! that makes it true. At least, that's how I understand at least some of this business about every opinion is valid/who is to say what is right and what is wrong/one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

eon said...


Exactly. If the anti-nukes could impose their "reality" on the rest of us by sheer force of will, every reactor in Japan- or on Earth, for that matter- would have long ago gone up in a mushroom cloud like the one in the movie "The Swarm" did when the Africanized bees attacked it. (One of my top ten "Most Ridiculous Movies Ever", BTW.)

Jerry Pournelle once related how he carefully explained to a dedicated anti-nuker how it was impossible for any power reactor to go up in a bomb-type explosion. Complete with diagrams.

After which, the anti-nuker whined, "But surely there's SOME way to do it?"

Translation; he wanted a reactor to blow up as propaganda for his cause. Never mind that (a) it's impossible, and (b) people would be hurt or killed if someone tried to make it happen.

These are not stable people we're talking about.

