Monday 7 March 2011

HMS Dreadnought

I remember old Dreadnought; British engineering forward welded to an American nuclear plant aft (the British reactors weren't ready for sea yet). Admiral Rickover went ballistic when the American government signed the deal. Still, she was a fascinating and beautiful piece of work. Over the years, I've had to ride in a lot of NATO and Japanese boats and it's fascinating to see this first step toward the super-advanced hunter killers of today with their digital periscopes and reactors so efficient that they aren't even designed to be refueled.

Now if only Her Majesty's government gave these boats a higher priority than pouring money down the welfare state black hole, paying housing support to imams who would gleefully slaughter us all and the government refuse to deport, sending tribute to the European Empire, and throwing bank notes at insulting social engineering programmes that shouldn't exist in the first place.

Via Theo Spark.

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