Monday 21 March 2011

Burglar Blaster

A burglar alarm that floods the area with pepper spray.

Why do I see myself becoming the unfortunate centre of a sitcom plot?

1 comment:

eon said...

And then the burglar sues you for hurting him. With the ACLU backing him up.

Also, how does it tell the difference between a burglar, your cat, your peek-a-poo, or your four-year-old who wants a drink of water at 3 AM? (I know, it's only supposed to be "on" when you're not there, but I've dealt with burglar alarms in the past, and most of them can't read their own manuals.)

Still, this is an improvement over the old thief-trap locks from way back when. One type had a concealed single-shot flintlock that shot anyone who tried to pick it as opposed to opening it with a key.

Another was a bit more gentle. It was in a recess in the door, and if it was tripped by a picklock, a spring-loaded guillotine blade in the front of the fixture relieved the would-be Raffles of his fingers.

