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The Japanese
restore power to a certain reactor complex and what had the MSM running in circles and screaming has now been shoved back to the comics pages, though the
New York Times is giving it the old college try by working up a good scare over minute radioactive traces in a couple of food shipments.
The end result of all of that palaver may have been to set back any responsible energy policy in the West by decades, but at least by forcing people to rely on candles we're erring on the side of safety by preserving human lives.
Or are we?
1 comment:
Thank you, David.
My best friend is ex- U.S. Army Chemical Recon, meaning his specialty was in-the-field decontamination of people and equipment that were exposed to NBC agents.
This chart says what he's been saying since the Fukushima situation began. Minus the invective re the "experts" constantly yammering on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and at the White House.
Not that they don't all richly deserve it, of course.
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