Wednesday, 10 September 2008

At Least the Vogons Deliver

Okay, so the Large Hadron Collider was fired up and the Earth wasn't sucked into a black hole.

Fine. Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a massive hangover and I have to take my somewhat dented Lamborghini back to the dealer, return a great deal of stuff to the shops, make a lot of apologies to various editors, and get in touch with my solicitor about when my case comes up for trial.

Bloody CERN.


Sergej said...

You've been busy. All I have to do is recover from a slight hangover, unpack my towel and figure out what to do with all the bar peanuts I swiped.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised that the chicken little brigade wasn't successful in getting some idiot judge to halt the collider test.
There's always someone with an end of the world scenario for something new.

jayessell said...

At least we didn't get a "12:01".

(If we did, would we know?)

Hint: It was a movie. I didn't say it was good.

PS: I always meant to write in a cheerful font 'Don't Panic' on my PDA, then load up applicable images in the photo slide show.

Anonymous said...

Too bad that was just a test of the internal components. They havn't actually performed the doom experiment or collided ANYTHING yet. That doesn't come until October. THEN we see if any black holes pop up ;)