Thursday, 25 September 2008

Unsettling the Settlement

The very bad news? With its open hatred of the nation it governs and its utter disloyalty to the Crown in whose name they hold power on display, New Labour plans to scrap the 1701 Act of Settlement; knocking primogeniture, the established church, the MCC, and everything up to and including meat pies into the hazard. It's the sort of thing that makes one fervently wish that Her Majesty would mark the next opening of Parliament by quietly folding and creasing the unread speech written for her by Mr. Brown as she announces with a discreet nod to the Household Cavalry that the Tower will be entertaining a few "guests" that morning.

The very good news? Mr. Brown et al won't try this until after the next election, which, given the polls, puts it on the same shelf as airborne pork.


jabrwok said...

Perhaps it's time they ditched that silly old document...what was it called? The Magnum Cart or something like that? I hear it's pretty antiquated too...

Michael Bates said...

I saw the real problem as soon I glanced at the picture: There's an empty shelf where the Stone should be.