Tuesday 16 September 2008

Sharia Law Established in Britain

The first sharia law courts with coercive powers have been given full legal status in Britain.

No doubt it is all in the name of improving "community relations", but aside from the profound effect this will have on the very basis of Common Law and that the Jihadists will see this as a victory, this is a bit like preventing a fire by throwing paraffin all over the place.


Sergej said...

This is going back in the oven for 20 more minutes, right? Isn't it missing a provision that any ruling of the Sharia court must be consistent with current British law before it will be enforced? At least? To say nothing of outsourcing work that it is the government's job to perform, to a contractor whose ideas of how to do the job are radically different from the accepted standard?

jayessell said...

"Two nations seperated by a common language."

British 'paraffin' is American 'kerosene'.

There's a net rumor(rumour)of a guy following british instructions trying to clean engine parts with candle wax.