Tuesday 25 January 2011

Put your head between your legs...

Scientists report that the Yellowstone super volcano has bulged ten inches under magma pressure.

Given that if this goes it's predicted to take out most of the western United states, my emergency plan is to stare at the rumbling red glow on the skyline and quote Daffy Duck.


eon said...

Fortunately for me, here in Ohio, I'm far enough away that I'll be able to say, "What was that?"




Sergej said...

Heh. I'm all the way out in Connecticut. Thing blows, I'll have enough time to paint a sign that says "help", like Wile E. Coyote plunging off a cliff.

Tom said...

Eon, you forget about the prevailing wings. If this thing blows the resulting dust cloud will be in the stratosphere. You are in the fallout zone.

eon said...


I know, I was being facetious. In fact, allowing for prevailing high-altitude winds, the plume from that bugger going off would probably extend most of the way to Greenland.

However, unlike nuclear weapons, no treaty will ever get rid of this particular WMD. And, unfortunately, it wouldn't necessarily inhibit it from future eruptions, as we have seen with Mt. St. Helens and Anat Krakatau.

In any game of geological poker, the Earth always has five aces. And a derringer up its sleeve, to boot.

