Monday 24 January 2011

Man in the plastic bubble

Some early spacesuit designs weren't so much reviewed as quietly slid into the wastepaper basket.


Sergej said...

Note the gent inside the giant hamster ball. Notice the horn-rims, deer-in-the-headlights facial expression and cuffed trousers---and, is that a button-down short-sleeved shirt? I really think that it's the engineer self-inserting himself into some kind of strange engineer's fantasy of his!

Tom said...

Spacesuit - by Salvador Dali.

eon said...

You realize, of course, that one micrometeroid hit and he's history. And the size of this inflatable pumpkin makes that hit a lot more likely than if he was wearing a proper spacesuit- which can efficiently be armored.

My guess is, the designer wasn't up on his Willy Ley, or Wernher von Braun. They covered all this in "The Conquest of Space" and "Across The Space Frontier" back in the Fifties.

