Wednesday 26 January 2011

IBM 5100 (1977)

I remember these; 50 lbs, all the power of a talking greeting card, and incredibly cool.

And here's one we made earlier.

And here's one we made even earlier.


jayessell said...

SAGE goes to Hollywood!

Sergej said...

Me remember, make rock-that-think by bang two rock together. Have no-bit memory, no-Hertz fast. Which good, because math back then only go up to many (one... two... many... many...). Then Zog from Piltdown Institute discover number three, four, and we never look back. Mostly because of superstitious fear that there cave bear behind us.

(Ug. Not quite, but I feel nearly that old!)

Neil Russell said...

I love that Q7 SAGE, it's good to know there are still bits of it around to be used in the movies.

The Seaview wouldn't have been half the boat she was without it, the TPC facility wouldn't have been nearly as ominous in "President's Analyst". It even dressed up the submarine set in the last silly Austin Powers movie.

Computer designers today would do well to take note that it's just as important how it looks as how it works.

(thanks to JSL for that article)