Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Detective Inspector Hunt, call your service

United States Attorney General Holder on Osama bin Laden being read his Miranda rights:
The reality is that we will be reading Miranda rights to the corpse of Osama bin Laden. He will never appear in an American courtroom.
An interesting choice of words. Does that mean that Mr Barack Hussein Obama's policy is officially one of "shoot to kill" or that bin Laden will have an "accident" in the cells?

Just curious.


Sergej said...

I imagine it ties in with yesterday's Ephemeral Isle post, about the rocket catcher. No need for a trial, folks, the pile of dust over there decided to plead guilty.

Is Holder from Chicago as well? I think the pattern I'm seeing is, politicians who cut their teeth in city politics are often not suitable for the national stage. Perhaps cities are small enough to be able to run on cronyism, and their budgets petty enough to tolerate a little corruption (~$10k?). But try to run a country with just your friends, or skim one or two percent from the national treasury, and things become interesting. Of course, Chicago is notorious for its corrupt city politics.

A thought.

jayessell said...

I heard on the news that OBL's pals would kill him rather than let him be captured.

I suspect one better:
They would bury him alive in
an unmarked grave so
that he can never be
captured AND there would be
no way to prove that he isn't
still alive.
