Friday 26 March 2010

Will they make a bigger one for fat people?

Urban congestion? Crappy public transport? City governments determined to spend money on Green initiatives, sensitivity training, and outreach centres instead of maintaining roads? According to Obama Motors General Motors the answer is obviously to stuff everyone into a vehicle that is the bastard child of a rickshaw and a G-Wiz.

If only someone could come up with a small transportation device that could move individuals or small groups of people from place to place with speed, efficiency, and flexibility in a way that is not only fun, but enhances basic human freedom.

Or even one of these:

1 comment:

gauss said...

Eh, it's just another buzzword filled concept car that'll never see the light of day. It'll run up against the engineers, who'll then break out the cluebats and beatdown the designers until it goes away.

Seriously, are there any concept car designers that are not totally divorced from reality out there?