Monday 15 March 2010

Blanket repeal bill

The single most brilliant legislative idea I've heard in thirteen years.

And Jeremy Clarkson suggested it first


Sergej said...

Oh, I don't think that's a very good idea. It gets chilly and damp in England, from what I've heard. If Parliament were to repeal blankets then everyone would catch cold!

(All right, all right, I'll stop.)

David said...

To quote the Rifftrax lads, there's no point in hitting you because there'd be no logical reason to stop.

Neil Russell said...

It's not the blankets that are so bad, it's the wet weather that affects them so negatively. Not to mention there are people with more than one blanket, and those with none.
There are some nasty rumors that the sheep shearers and wool makers are possibly not union members, so there needs to be a ban on the inhumane practice of taking the fleece off the very backs of those poor poor creatures. Instead some new renewable material must be found for blanket manufacture, no matter the cost to discover it, because that will create jobs!

With some serious targeted spending and creation of a new Blanket Board, a great day will dawn in Britain, with fair and almost comfortable blankets for all!

What? The legislation does what?
Oh, well I didn't say all that other stuff then.
No no, I didn't mis-speak, you misunderstood

cagey said...

Maybe dismantling chunks of the Nanny State will bring a vehement end to stories like this one:

Every country that has tried to adopt our ridiculous out of control progressivism is in danger of losing any normative morality it ever had.