Monday, 30 April 2012

Now that's interesting!

Yeah, I have trouble trying to communicate to my daughter how impressed I was when fire came along.


Ironmistress said...

Our children have problems on understanding what record players and typewriters are. They also couldn't believe there once was a time when each family had one single telephone, you couldn't tell who was calling and everyone was able to hear what you were talking.

Sergej said...

Fire, huh? I remember when the concept of banging two rocks together was pretty fresh. "Eh, bang rock together, not never catch on," Uncle Thag used to say as he picked fleas out of the fur of his tail. Ah, good old Uncle Thag! He was the same way about foreheads, you know---as in having one---but we loved him all the same. Old Piltdown was never the same after that tar pit got him...

Cambias said...

I had immense difficulty explaining to my kids what it was like in the age of three-network broadcast-only television.

"You had to see what time the show would be on, and plan to stay home and watch it. And if you missed it, it could be months before they'd show it as a rerun!"

jayessell said...

In one of my late 1930s magazines ( I only have 3) a kid asks his dad: "Who's Charlie Chaplan?"