Wednesday 11 April 2012

When the normal is abnormal

Tim Blair has a piece on a US high school that had to conceal a student's mural because it was too controversial (his emphasis)
(Liz) Bierendy, a junior, painted a mural depicting the life of a man ending with the man being married and standing with his wife and child.
Miss Bierendy's crime wasn't that the picture would offend those whose parent's aren't married. It's that she dared to express a thoughtcrime. I've long come to the conclusion that the Left's policy of "inclusiveness" has nothing to do with accommodating other points of view. It's merely an excuse to stamp out any vestige of the pre-1968 world that threatens the Party.


jayessell said...

From the links it looks like a man whose life ends at marriage.

Like a male praying mantis?

Ironmistress said...

Insane. Batpoop insane.