Saturday 12 February 2011

The First Men in the Moon


jayessell said...

1) I shouldn't complain about the aspect ratio... but I will! Good thing no supermodels appear in this film!

2) If there was a perfect place on the Moon to land I
could understand BOTH expeditions going there.
Cavor didn't exactly choose his landing site.
Too bad they didn't leave Lotto tickets!

eon said...

The best line in the movie is when they find Cavor's little Union Jack, and the British astronaut says, "Well, I didn't put it there!"

Followed up by Bedford's punchline at the end; "Poor Cavor, he did have such a terrible cold."



jayessell said...

Sony Pictures has blocked the clip.
(I watched it before, and I've seen it several times.)

There's a BBC4 remake on YouTube.