Monday 21 February 2011

President Soetobakh Dunham

The Birther movement is one of the oddities of current American politics that has a kernel of importance at the centre of its madness.  The idea that Mr Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible to hold his office because he isn't really a natural-born citizen doesn't hold water.  For it to be true, Mr Obama would have to be the beneficiary of a combination of coincidence and conspiracy that is staggering when you consider that the subject at the time was a child, not a full-grown politician.

However, the fact that Mr Obama has spent millions keeping his birth records sealed has always suggested to me, and now it turns out the US Supreme Court, that there is something more embarrassing than sinister going on here:  Is his name really Barack Hussein Obama?  Leaving aside the fact that until he got into politics Mr Obama always went by the name of "Barry", Hillbuzz points out that, given his adoption by his stepfather, Mr Obama may not be Mr Obama.  He may be Barry Soetoro, Soetobakh Soetoro, Soetoro Soetobakh, or Soetobakh Dunham.  Where the Supreme Court comes in on all this is that it raises the question; if Mr Obama is using an assumed name, is his signature legal?

That would make things interesting


eon said...

From all indications, The One used at least one and possibly more "aliases" to get scholarships that were only available to foreign-exchange students, by pretending that he was not American-born. I believe this is the main source of the confusion about his Nativity (he was born in Hawaii, and the state has the paperwork to prove it)- and the confusion was created by The One, Himself, in his college years, purely for financial gain.

Anybody who has observed his track record, in academia and politics, shouldn't be surprised. Egotistical narcissists do this sort of thing all the time- because they're "entitled" to do so by virtue of their own "greatness". (See "circular reasoning".) It's another reason they are so hard to distinguish from full-on sociopaths.



Bryan said...

Race: Caucasian

That's my bet.

Sergej said...

More like, race: Congenital Commie, of the Useful Idiot persuasion, I'd say. If it's only records of academic cheating, I think Husseinovich has nothing to fear. The Bulbous Crania are still drooling little puddles over his very existence, and I imagine they'll cover for him.