Thursday 25 June 2009

Mr Tumnus, call your service

This is a rather neat idea if you're putting on a production of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe or an adaptation of the Circus of Dr Lao, but you'd think that the chaps at Popular Science and elsewhere on the Internet would keep their mythological creatures straight. This is a fawn faun, I say again, a fawn faun, not a centaur.

Count the legs, for Zeus's sake!


Cambias said...

Looks more like a faun, a faun, to me.

Great video, though!

Sergej said...

Dude! It's Torgo! From "Manos"! "The Hands of Fate"! They must be working on a remake! Schweeet!

jayessell said...

It would markedly improve a costume at a SF&F Convention.
A tip:
The costume should include a helmet.
(The doorways of the hotel may not accommodate 8 foot tall guests.)