Industrial designer John Cornock introduces the "anti-stab" knife to Britain to combat the threat of criminals getting a bit stabby. It's a bit like dealing with riots by paving the roads with Nerf cobbles.
If you look up "Holding the wrong end of the stick," this is the illustration.
That's going to take the fun out of horror movies isn't it? When the slasher goes to the kitchen and pulls these out of the knife block I guess the logical thing will be to clock the victim with the block itself.
Somehow won't be the same, but it would be satisfying to see the idiot that buys these find out they aren't so "safe" after all.
Second of all, you can still get plenty stabby with the things as they are: they'll hang up on bone, but should go through soft places just fine. Third of all, I think that the usual mode for using a knife is slashing (not that those tangless, stainless steel things look good for any kind of fighting). Fourth of all, I am saddened to learn that there are no Dremel tools or files in Britain; Brit-Scouts' Pinewood Derbies must be rather depressing events.
And first of all---quiet about the Nerf paving stones! You'll give them ideas!
The next new product is going to be "Forks with Corks"
That should work really well too.
Prior art: the cleaver.
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