Monday 26 January 2009

eCO2 Watch

A wristwatch that allegedly removes 12.56 pounds of carbon dioxide a day from the atmosphere and emits "clean air".

Is the designer:
a) Under the delusion that CO2 is a pollutant and therefore removing it doesn't make the air any "cleaner".
b) Unaware that the CO2 has to go somewhere and that his watch violates several physical laws.
c) Unwilling to do the maths and therefore doesn't realise that even if the thing works as advertised it wouldn't make a tinker's damn worth of difference.
d) A con artist or a complete twit.


Sergej said...

e) Ummm, all or most of the above?

Really, I'm amazed at how many people make noise about how much CO2 I produce, but don't take any steps to stop emitting it themselves! They should do it for the monkeys or the fuzzy bunnies or the spiny anteaters or something.

Anonymous said...

First impression on just seeing the image, my thought was "art project". On starting reading, I thought "con", but the final paragraph, with "just a concept", I revert to the art project. But I don't think the writer of the piece understands that.

Anonymous said...

They never really explain how it works. And if they really, really want to make an impact, they should offer to install the mechanisms on the tips of helicopter blades or some similar place. I'm sure some eccentric tycoons would like to fly whistling air-purifying machines.
OK, enough of this rubbish...
Burning hats, anyone ?

Claude Bartlett said...

The problem with ecology, (as far as economy is concerned) is that most of the time it's a long term investement. Companies that want to make money right away will have to commercialize gadgets like consumers we have to be very careful. We'll all have to become experts or have at least a very good source of scientific information...