Friday 16 January 2009

Free For All

Number 6: Elections? In this place?
Number Two: Of course. We make our choice every 12 months. Every citizen has a choice. Are you going to run?
Number 6: Like blazes, the first chance I get.
Number Two: I meant run for office.


Anonymous said...

Interesting, Number 6 ran a campaign on "change", Number 2 decried the inexperience of his opponent.
In the end one message of it all was "the more things change the more they stay the same"

How prophetic in a rather surreal way!

Sergej said...

Hold your tongue, Neil Russell, lest you be declared unmutual!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't bear that! That would be as bad as non-alcoholic scotch at 24 work credits.

Funny how they had non-alcoholic booze but would shoot you up with everything in the medicine cabinet to get information...information...INFORMATION!!!

jayessell said...

Not mentioned in any posts yet.....

a) The theme music for "Secret Agent" and
"The Prisoner" each had cool guitar segments.

b) To the other three people using Macs:
Why does Flash suck on the Mac?
Why does THIS Flash suck on the Mac?
(When I Google that question, several pages appear.)

Anonymous said...

Because Clive Sinclair is really Number 1 and the Village servers all run on ZX-81s?