Friday 22 August 2008

Mullahs in Space!

Iran announces that it intends to put a man in orbit within ten years.

First the Chinese and now this. What is it about repressive tyrannies that makes them want to spend incredible amounts of money with no hope of return for the honour of retreading ground covered by the superpowers half a century ago?

Next up: Zimbabwe pledges to discover the New World.

1 comment:

Sergej said...

Same reason Iran is pursuing a Peaceful Nuclear Weapo^WEnergy Program. If you can orbit one of your Revolutionary Guards and bring him down within 100 yards of where you say you will, you might be able to do the same thing with a different payload.

If Little Hairy Man says it's going to take him ten years, I think it might actually take longer (undisturbed), and if he gets himself bombed into the Late Bronze Age, he may never get the chance. On the other hand, Iran developing a nuclear bomb seems a real possibility.