Sunday 3 August 2008

Welcome to the Tenth Century

In regard to how Britain should abase itself before Blessed Gaia fight global warming, one of the authors of a report from the Stockholm Environment Institute at York said,
We are constantly battling against increases of wealth... There's a very fundamental problem here that no one really wants to talk about.
Elaborating on this, Stuart Bond of the WWF told The Register,
Asked if this wasn't, in the end, going to mean a fairly hair-shirt lifestyle for us Brits - no cars, no tumble dryers, fewer showers and iPods and so on - Bond said that "economic wealth isn't the same as happiness or directly linked to quality of life ... It's about a quantity lifestyle - more and more stuff - versus quality".
At least they're honest about wanting to make us into forelock-tugging peasants–Not that they expect to be doing that sort of thing themselves, of course.


Wunderbear said...

"At least their honest about wanting to make us into forelock-tugging peasants..."

"At least their honest..."


Hang your head in shame, David.

David said...

Argh! Damn these homonyms!