Wednesday 27 August 2008

Peugeot 888

Showing that gull-wing doors don't have all the fun, we present the Peugeot 888 folding concept car; soon to be crashing painfully against carpark ceilings, garage beams and road signs everywhere.


Sergej said...

In the configuration shown, it looks like hitting anything larger than a squirrel is going to result in a somersault, followed by all of the machine's weight coming down on top of the driver. Good thing is, it's probably made of recycled newspapers or something, and weighs 50 lb. Bad thing is, the SUV tailgating it probably isn't.

Not that I go around hunting squirrels with my Jeep or anything, but you know, random things happen on the road.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if it flips over it can pop itself upright again like a click beetle.

Wunderbear said...

"Not that I go around hunting squirrels with my Jeep or anything, but you know, random things happen on the road."

I've seen you on certain evenings, roaring about country lanes with a fearsome look on your face. ¬_¬