Tuesday 25 September 2007

Sputnik at Fifty

Fifty years ago the Soviet Union ushered in the Space Age with the launch of Sputnik.

A pity it had to also be a certified brown-trouser moment for free men everywhere.


jayessell said...

Nice article and video David!

About 2 weeks to Oct 6 though.

I hadn't seen that footage before.
Nice that it's in color.

The Lo-Def YouTube didn't allow me to look at the camera operator in the Sputnik 1 chrome finish.
Hopefully he wasn't nude.
(Obscure reference?)

Check out the "Man Conquers Space" website with the retro alternate history space program.

Anonymous said...

Well, go the Russians for being the winners of the Space Race.

eldias said...

I thought the Space Race was "first to the moon wins"?

Anonymous said...

I think you're right, actually. Although Russia notched up quite a few space firsts (first satellite, living creature, man, woman, etc. in space), America did indeed land dudes on the moon. Quite a few times.

At which point Russia went "Well, we weren't planning a moon mission anyway, so there!" (and quietly dismantled their moon-mission projects)

Still. Good stuff.