Thursday 6 September 2007

Tawdry Tory

Great Britain: 2050 AD

I've long thought that if David Cameron is a Tory, then President Ahmadinejad is a Hasidic Jew. As evidence, you needn't look further than how Mr. Cameron justifies his "planet-destroying" lifestyle via carbon offsets in a manner that would do justice to the most hypocritical of Blairite lefties:

The details of this carbon-offsetting scheme are disturbing. Cameron offsets his flights by donating to Climate Care. The latest wheeze of this carbon-offsetting company is to provide ‘treadle pumps’ to poor rural families in India so that they can get water on to their land without having to use polluting diesel power. Made from bamboo, plastic and steel, the treadle pumps work like ‘step machines in a gym’, according to some reports, where poor family members step on the pedals for hours in order to draw up groundwater which is used to irrigate farmland. These pumps were abolished in British prisons a century ago. It seems that what was considered an unacceptable form of punishment for British criminals in the past is looked upon as a positive eco-alternative to machinery for Indian peasants today.

What might once have been referred to as ‘back-breaking labour’ is now spun as ‘human energy’. According to Climate Care, the use of labour-intensive treadle pumps, rather than labour-saving diesel-powered pumps, saves 0.65 tonnes of carbon a year per farming family. And well-off Westerners - including Cameron, and Prince Charles, Land Rover and the Cooperative Bank, who are also clients of Climate Care - can purchase this saved carbon in order to continue living the high life without becoming consumed by eco-guilt. They effectively salve their moral consciences by paying poor people to live the harsh simple life on their behalf.

I never thought I'd see the day that the leader of the Conservative party would have any truck with this sort of ecotwaddle or make common cause with the New Aristocracy of the Left who want to do the same to the rest of us.

It's enough to make Lady Thatcher spin in her grave.

She's not dead.

Well, this will kill her.

1 comment:

jayessell said...

Shouldn't the peasants be using motorized irrigation and other modern techniques to grow as much biomass as possible to take carbon out of the atmosphere?