Friday 7 September 2007

Penal Priorities

Meanwhile, the Norwegians, in an effort to Save the PlanetTM, have a "green" prison that strives to take drug smugglers, fraudsters, rapists and murderers and turn them into environmentally conscious drug smugglers, fraudsters, rapists and murderers.

And what if one of these drug smugglers, fraudsters, rapists or murderers should flee the reeducation camp prison? Then the governor will leap into action-- and sit by the phone.
We tell all the prisoners that if they escape, they must telephone to let us know they've made it safely to the mainland.
Go ahead and rape, pillage and burn, lads, but don't forget to ring home so we don't fret.

Devils Island has nothing on this place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Level that place and build Nova Prospekt in its stead.